In Chinese medicine, the Wu Xing are understood as states or phases that are constantly changing, so they are also referred to as phases of change. It is common in the West to compare these to the 4 elements of early Greek philosophy, where all being was believed to be made up of the basic elements or essences of fire, water, earth and air. Therefore, the term “elements” is often used incorrectly in connection with the 5 phases of change in Chinese medicine. The difference between an element and a conversion phase is that the element always stays in the same state, while the conversion phase does not stay in the same state but constantly changes. Just as there is not 24 hours in the morning on a day, a phase of change is also not static, but rather a passing state. Each phase of change has certain characteristics, which are to be understood on many areas and subtle levels. They are closely related to each other and are in constant exchange. They empower and control, create and destroy each other. Any condition can cause disease over time. Only when everything is in balance and there is a balance, when you are constantly changing and therefore following nature, can you enjoy a long, worthless life, because the body, the organs, the emotions, etc. are balanced and healthy. Any condition can cause disease over time. Only when everything is in balance and there is a balance, when you are constantly changing and therefore following nature, can you enjoy a long, worthless life, because the body, the organs, the emotions, etc. are balanced and healthy. Any condition can cause disease over time. Only when everything is in balance and there is a balance, when you are constantly changing and therefore following nature, can you enjoy a long, worthless life, because the body, the organs, the emotions, etc. are balanced and healthy.
There are 2 circuits that are primarily important for practice.
- the generating or strengthening circuit (lower fig. outer circle)
Wood nourishes the fire, fire nourishes the earth (the burned becomes hummus), earth produces metal, metal collects the water (dew), water nourishes the wood
- the controlling or destructive cycle (bottom fig. inner star)
Wood controls earth, earth controls water, water controls fire, fire melts metal, metal cuts wood
It is important that you do not imagine the phases of change as something material, but as a condition. The term wood means that this state has the properties of wood in the various areas, is unstable, etc. Fire, on the other hand, grows, it spreads just as joy spreads, etc. The earth is constantly moving and changing. With metal, the ores collect and metals are formed under pressure. Water seeps into the ground, it volatilizes and evaporates when we heat it.
This representation helps to better understand the interaction of the transformation phases.
An example will make this clear.
With the knowledge that wood feeds fire, etc.
Fear(Water) can be enhanced by Grief(Metal) and regulated by Thought(Earth).
If the Qi in the liver (wood) is weakened, this also affects the heart (fire). This weakness is increased by dryness (metal) and can be regulated by treatments that strengthen the Kidney Qi and thus the Liver Qi.
A deficiency in one area can be caused by an excess in another area, but it can also be regulated.
Author: Daoist Liu